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giving back so you can

RedPeak's CEO Mark Windhager is proud to introduce the Make Your Mark Scholarship Fund, available to the RedPeak community. If you are planning to further your education for the upcoming academic year, you could be a great fit for this higher-education scholarship.

make your mark

The most innovative and hard-working change makers have the opportunity to grow in Colorado and create an impact within our community. The Make Your Mark Scholarship advances your future in education and awards scholars with the funds they deserve to move forward in academia. Applicants must be high school graduates or have earned a GED diploma.

Collage of graduate in cap and person working on laptop.
  • who is eligible

    • RedPeak employees
    • Immediate family members of RedPeak employees
    • Residents of a RedPeak community
  • what are the benefits

    • A supplemental offering of $2,500k - $10,000 for the school year paid directly to the educational institution
    • Used for tuition, books, fees, meal plan, housing, and other educational expenses
    • Opportunity to build your future through an accredited vocational school or university
Blue brush stroke.

Mark Windhager

CEO of RedPeak & Founder of the Make Your Mark Scholarship Fund

“I have always loved getting my hands dirty and creating things, I am a hard worker as well. I want this scholarship to help people find their passion to create what they love”.

Green brush stroke.

about applying

This scholarship fund offers an opportunity to further your education beyond high school or GED, through financial assistance. The Denver Foundation will choose up to five recipients each year to participate in the Make Your Mark Scholarship.

The recipient decisions are based on applications submitted through The Denver Foundation and a committee to review and interview applicants. Applicants must be high school graduates or have earned a GED diploma.

Orange arrow icon.

the denver foundation

The Denver Foundation offers an array of scholarships to support students in their pursuit of higher education. They are the largest local non-profit foundation located in Denver, Colorado. Like Mark, The Denver Foundation believes in the power of education to change lives. Access has not always been equitable or attainable for everyone and their mission is to help the Denver Metro area with scholarships and community grants. The Denver Foundation helps with the application process and picks the recipients for the Make Your Mark Scholarship Fund.

Ready to Make Your Mark?

Enhance your learning journey with our Make Your Mark Scholarship fund. Fill out the form here to gather more information on the application process, eligibility requirements and selection criteria.

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